The Case for Inclusion 2019

In NJ, People with Disabilities Face ‘Excruciatingly Long’ Wait for Group Home Funding

In NJ, People with Disabilities Face ‘Excruciatingly Long’ Wait for Group Home Funding

Gene Myers,, 02.29.24

Even after a big boost in funding in recent years, thousands of New Jerseyans with disabilities are waiting seven to 10 years to access critical funding for group homes and other support.

New Jersey's Community Care Program was designed to help disabled adults who require “institutional-level care” to live as independently as possible.

Run by the state's Division of Developmental Disabilities, it taps state and federal money to fund essentials like caretakers, therapy and transportation to assist adults with developmental disabilities, either in their family homes or in group facilities.

But despite $1.4 billion pumped into the system by Gov. Phil Murphy over the last two years, demand for the help still far outstrips its resources. Almost 4,400 people with developmental disabilities are on New Jersey's waiting list for the Community Care Program, according to the latest figures.

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